Advertising: Today we would like to introduce you to products that are really close to our hearts. These are sustainable backpacks, bags, accessories and more from the label GOT BAG, which was founded in 2016.
The mission of GOT BAG is to do something about the low recycling rate (only 9% worldwide) of plastic and pollution of the environment. The holistic approach is to produce and use less plastic. The waste infrastructure is to be improved and more recycling made possible. And last but not least, plastic is collected from the environment in clean-up programmes and reprocessed into new products. Special focus of the activities is on SE Asia (especially Java), where a large part of the plastic used is collected by a network of now more than 2,000 fishermen. You can read more about GOT BAG’s extremely honourable approach with Impact online on their website.

We were allowed to test the following products for you:
The 31-litre ROLLTOP backpack is sturdy, waterproof and very pretty to look at. A practical 15 inch laptop bag is included free of charge. The wide straps guarantee good carrying comfort and various pockets and straps turn the bestseller ROLLTOP into a practical everyday helper. A whole 3.5 kilograms of plastic are collected and recycled for each backpack. For us, the perfect companion on the boat for laptop, camera, books and all the gadgets you like to have at hand.
With 60 litres, the WEEKENDER is the largest bag in the GOT BAG range. We find the roll closure extremely practical because it gives you flexibility in terms of capacity. For us, the bag is easily big enough for the two of us to spend a long weekend on the boat. But it is also not oversized for a day trip. Various side pockets inside hold small items like sunglasses or our business cards. For the Weekender, we even collected 4.5 kilograms of plastic.
If you don’t want to compromise on design and still want to do something good for the environment and future generations, the high-quality products from GOT BAG are a good choice – a clear buy recommendation.
We have arranged a cooperation with GOT BAG for you. With the discount code CAPTAINYOU10 you can save 10% per order.
03/21/2022 Boat fishing >> Anything but boring
What’s the biggest advantage to boating as an angler? That’s right, you spend a lot of time on the water. That’s why it’s also obvious to combine boating with fishing.
Dirk has been a passionate angler since he was 16 years old. It all started with sea fishing in Denmark and a few plaice for dinner. Spurred on by the quick success, the efforts were intensified in early years, together with Senior Heiberger, at the quarry lakes around Karlsruhe (Baden). The target fish were mostly carp, which were outwitted with highly technical fishing including feeding, self-hooking assembly, boilie bait, electronic bite indicators and all kinds of lures. Also on vacation trips was usually at least a small rod with in the suitcase. So already fresh- and saltwater waters in England, on the Canary Islands, Italy, Indonesia, South Africa, Malta, Poland, Cyprus, Norway … could be fished with more (rarely) or less (often) success.
Also on our boat Terasa is always a selection of fishing rods and equipment on board. Most often Dirk uses a 2.40 meter feeder rod with a very sensitive tip that acts as a bite indicator. The rod is powerful enough to cast a metal basket filled with special food, which then spreads a tempting cloud of food right next to the hookbait (maggot or worm). You can catch with this assembly almost all white fish from roach to bream to carp and even sometimes a perch or eel.
Also used is a five-meter Stipprod to “zocken” bait fish, which are then offered on the bottom to the predators (pike perch, pike, eel, etc.). And of course a “twister rod” with which you can actively offer artificial lures to the same predators. And of course there is still a passion for carp, which are still pursued with boilies on a so-called self-hooking rig and electronic bite indicators.
A big challenge in boat fishing is the bite indication, because there is almost always a lot of movement due to wind and waves. Since Dirk is not a big fan of float fishing, he prefers to use a simple plastic ring with about 20-30g additional weight, which is simply hooked into the line and can move – depending on the movement of the boat – up to 100cm up and down. Thus, there is always enough tension on the rod tip to be able to detect a bite. In addition, we use, in addition to the 9kg Delta main anchor at the bow laterally at the stern an additional 6kg folding anchor to give the boat as little “freedom of movement”.
To be able to fish in Germany, it is usually necessary to have passed a fishing exam. In addition, you must pay a state tax and you need a daily, monthly or annual pass for the respective water (complex). For tourists in Brandenburg there is a special regulation, with which white fish can be pursued also without fishing examination. Various, fishing permits for the Havel and more, bait, equipment and means tips are available at our favorite fishing store Fischerman’s Partner in Geltow.
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